Employee Photo Release Form

An employee photo release form authorizes an employer to use photos of their employee for business-related purposes. The document states that the employee’s image and likeness may be used for marketing, promotion, or other commercial purposes. By signing this consent form, the employee releases the employer from liability or future claims.

Employee Photo Release Form

An employee photo release form authorizes an employer to use photos of their employee for business-related purposes. The document states that the employee’s image and likeness may be used for marketing, promotion, or other commercial purposes. By signing this consent form, the employee releases the employer from liability or future claims.

Last updated March 26th, 2024

An employee photo release form authorizes an employer to use photos of their employee for business-related purposes. The document states that the employee’s image and likeness may be used for marketing, promotion, or other commercial purposes. By signing this consent form, the employee releases the employer from liability or future claims.

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1. THE PARTIES. This Employee Photo Release (“Release”) is made on [DATE] between:

Employee: [RELEASOR’S NAME], with a mailing address of [RELEASOR’S ADDRESS] (“Releasor”), and:

Employer: [RELEASEE’S NAME], with a mailing address of [RELEASEE’S ADDRESS] (“Releasee”).

2. CONSENT. The Releasor grants permission and consent to the Releasee, its legal representatives and assigns, employees, and those acting with their permission to take photographs and video of the Releasor and use them for any legal purpose.

3. RELEASE. The Releasor understands that they are participating as a volunteer and will not be compensated for these photographs and has no rights to them. Releasor hereby waives any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph, advertising copy, or printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith or to the eventual use that it might be applied. Releasor releases Releasee, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims of harm and liability as a result of any distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, which may occur from making, showing, using, or distributing these photographs and videos.

By signing this Release, Releasor has acknowledged that they have read this Release and understand and agree to its terms.

Releasor’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Print Name: ____________________________