Kentucky Durable Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky durable power of attorney is executed by the principal for the purpose of granting an agent the authority to perform financial transactions on their behalf. The document outlines the agent’s powers, which will remain in effect even if the principal is incapacitated. Only a signed revocation or the principal’s death will terminate a durable POA.

Kentucky Durable Power of Attorney Form

The Kentucky durable power of attorney is executed by the principal for the purpose of granting an agent the authority to perform financial transactions on their behalf. The document outlines the agent’s powers, which will remain in effect even if the principal is incapacitated. Only a signed revocation or the principal’s death will terminate a durable POA.

Last updated June 13th, 2024

The Kentucky durable power of attorney is executed by the principal for the purpose of granting an agent the authority to perform financial transactions on their behalf. The document outlines the agent’s powers, which will remain in effect even if the principal is incapacitated. Only a signed revocation or the principal’s death will terminate a durable POA.

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Signing Requirements

The principal’s signature must be acknowledged before a notary public or other person authorized by law to take acknowledgments.[1]

Power of Attorney (Preview)

Kentucky Durable Financial Power Of Attorney

Legal Definition

“Durable,” with respect to a power of attorney, means not terminated by the principal’s incapacity.[2]