Affidavit of Forgery

An affidavit of forgery is a form completed by an individual attesting that a document has been created or signed fraudulently. The individual (forgery victim) must describe the forged instrument under oath, meaning any false information provided is an act of perjury. The affidavit should be filed with the appropriate institution and local law enforcement.

Affidavit of Forgery

An affidavit of forgery is a form completed by an individual attesting that a document has been created or signed fraudulently. The individual (forgery victim) must describe the forged instrument under oath, meaning any false information provided is an act of perjury. The affidavit should be filed with the appropriate institution and local law enforcement.

Last updated February 27th, 2025

An affidavit of forgery is a form completed by an individual attesting that a document has been created or signed fraudulently. The individual (forgery victim) must describe the forged instrument under oath, meaning any false information provided is an act of perjury. The affidavit should be filed with the appropriate institution and local law enforcement.

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Common Uses

An affidavit of forgery can be used in cases of identity theft or in civil or criminal court. However, it is most often used when bank instruments (such as checks, loan notes, share drafts, and cash withdrawal vouchers) have been altered or the signatures on them have been forged.

How to Report a Forged Check

Upon discovering that a bank check has been forged, the victim of the fraudulent act should take the following steps to protect themselves:

  1. Contact Bank – Notify the bank of the issue as soon as possible so they can look into the matter.
  2. Affidavit of Forgery – To start a fraud investigation, the bank may require an affidavit of forgery to be completed and filed.
  3. Police Report – To get the authorities involved, a police report can be filed with local law enforcement. The bank may request a copy of the report.
  4. Consult Legal Counsel – If the check is for a large amount of money, the victim may want to hire a lawyer to provide advice and handle communications with the police and bank employees.


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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

1. THE AFFIANT. I, [AFFIANT NAME], with an address of [AFFIANT ADDRESS], being duly sworn, hereby swear under oath that the information stated in this affidavit of forgery is true and correct.

2. FORGED DOCUMENT. The forged instrument is best described as: (check one)

Share Draft
Loan Note
Cash Withdrawal Voucher

3. FORGERY DETAILS. The forgery is best described as: (describe in full)


4. POLICE REPORT. A police report: (check one)

Has been filed and was recorded on [MM/DD/YYYY].
Has NOT been filed but the affiant intends to file in the near future.
Has NOT been filed but can be filed if required to process this affidavit.

I did not receive any part of the proceeds of the instrument listed above. This affidavit is made voluntarily for the purpose of establishing the fact that the instrument described herein was forged. I understand that this forgery is subject to investigation by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and that I may be required to comply with a court order or subpoena to give testimony. I understand making a false sworn statement is subject to federal and state statutes and may be punishable by fines or imprisonment.

Affiant Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________

State of [STATE]
County of [COUNTY]

Subscribed band sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this [DAY] of [MONTH], [YEAR], by [AFFIANT NAME], proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.

Signature: ________________________
