Acknowledgment of Paternity

An acknowledgment of paternity is an official statement by an individual declaring that they are the father of a child. Completing the affidavit is voluntary and is typically done shortly after the child’s birth. Once executed, the document establishes that the father accepts legal and financial responsibility for the child.

Acknowledgment of Paternity

An acknowledgment of paternity is an official statement by an individual declaring that they are the father of a child. Completing the affidavit is voluntary and is typically done shortly after the child’s birth. Once executed, the document establishes that the father accepts legal and financial responsibility for the child.

Last updated February 17th, 2025

An acknowledgment of paternity is an official statement by an individual declaring that they are the father of a child. Completing the affidavit is voluntary and is typically done shortly after the child’s birth. Once executed, the document establishes that the father accepts legal and financial responsibility for the child.

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How to Get a Blank Paternity Affidavit

Affidavits of paternity can often be obtained at the hospital when the baby is born. Otherwise, a blank affidavit of paternity can usually be found through the county clerk or registar’s office, the local health department, or the local child support services agency.

How to Get a Copy of a Filed Paternity Affidavit

To request a copy of a filed affidavit of paternity, individuals should contact the local city clerk, state office, department of health, or other agency or office where the original affidavit was filed.

Affidavit of Paternity: By State

View State Forms

Alabama Acknowledgment of Paternity*
Alaska Complaint by Biological Father to Establish Paternity
Arizona Acknowledgment of Paternity
Arkansas Acknowledgment of Paternity*
California Voluntary Declaration of Parentage (Sample)
Colorado Voluntary Acknowledgment of Parentage
Connecticut Acknowledgment of Parentage
Delaware Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity*
Florida Acknowledgment of Paternity
Georgia Paternity Acknowledgment
Hawaii Acknowledgment of Paternity
Idaho Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit (Sample)
Illinois Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity
Indiana Paternity Affidavit
Iowa Voluntary Paternity Affidavit
Kansas Acknowledgment of Paternity
(Johnson County)
Kentucky Declaration of Paternity
Louisiana Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit (Child born out of marriage)
Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit (Child born in marriage)
Maine Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity
Maryland Affidavit of Parentage
Massachusetts Voluntary Acknowledgment of Parentage (Sample)
Michigan Affidavit of Parentage
Minnesota Voluntary Recognition of Parentage
Certified Parentage Document*
Mississippi Acknowledgment of Paternity
Missouri Father’s Affidavit Acknowledging Paternity
Montana Paternity Acknowledgment
Nebraska Acknowledgment of Paternity
Nevada Declaration of Paternity
New Hampshire Affidavit of Paternity (Sample)
New Jersey Certificate of Parentage
New Mexico Acknowledgment of Paternity
New York Acknowledgment of Parentage
North Carolina Affidavit of Parentage
North Dakota Acknowledgment of Paternity
Ohio Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit (Sample)
Oklahoma Acknowledgment of Paternity
Oregon Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit
Pennsylvania Acknowledgment of Paternity (Child born out of marriage)
Acknowledgment of Paternity (Chester County)
Rhode Island Voluntary Acknowledgment of Parentage
South Carolina Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment
South Dakota Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity
Tennessee Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity*
Texas Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity*
Acknowledgment of Paternity/Parentage (Sample)
Utah Voluntary Declaration of Paternity
Vermont Voluntary Acknowledgment of Parentage
Virginia Acknowledgment of Paternity
Washington Acknowledgment of Parentage
West Virginia Acknowledgment of Paternity
Wisconsin Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment
Wyoming Affidavit Acknowledging Paternity
*Not available online.