Trademark Defined
A trademark is an identifying word, phrase, symbol, slogan, or device that distinguishes a company, product, or service from others in the same industry.[1] They are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and anyone who imitates, reproduces, or counterfeits one may be subject to liability by its owner.
Examples of trademarks include:
- Brand names
- Logos
- Designs
- Slogans
Common Law Trademarks – Even without federal registration, companies may hold “common law” trademarks on their name, logo, etc. within the geographic areas they operate (depending on state laws).
Enforcing Trademark Rights
The USPTO does not enforce trademark violations on the holder’s behalf. Therefore, the trademark owner is obligated to stop violations to prevent consumer confusion.[2]
By sending a cease and desist letter to anyone who misappropriates their trademark, the owner demonstrates that they are taking action to protect it. Furthermore, the letter may be required as evidence that the infringer knowingly violated the trademark if the issue is brought before a court.
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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]
Re: Trademark Infringement
It has come to our attention that you are making unauthorized use of the trademark [NAME OF TRADEMARK] by [DESCRIBE INFRINGEMENT USE].
Under federal registration laws, we are the owners of the trademark [NAME OF TRADEMARK] currently with the United States Patent and Trademark Office under the following registration number: [REGISTRATION NUMBER]. Therefore, we have the right, including but not limited to, restrict, prevent or limit the use of our trademark in order to protect it against any misrepresentation.
We hereby demand that you immediately cease and desist in any additional use of our trademark that will likely cause misrepresentation in relation with distribution, advertising, identification, and sales of our products or services.
If you fail to comply with the aforementioned demand(s) within [#] days we will have no choice but to pursue all legal causes of action, including the filing of a lawsuit to protect our interests. We remind you that this letter serves as a pre-suit notice for a lawsuit against you and failing to correct will likely make you liable for any damages the court determines we have suffered as a result of your infringement.
It is in our best interests to have this issue amicably settled in an effort to avoid further legal remedies as provided by State and Federal laws.
- Trademark Database Search –
- U.S. Trademark Law – Federal Statutes
- USPTO – Trademarks Webpage