Sexual Consent Form

sexual consent form is used to set clear boundaries before engaging in sexual acts. The form ensures that both people know what the other person does and does not consent to before engaging in intercourse or other sexual acts. Either party can revoke consent at any time.

Sexual Consent Form

sexual consent form is used to set clear boundaries before engaging in sexual acts. The form ensures that both people know what the other person does and does not consent to before engaging in intercourse or other sexual acts. Either party can revoke consent at any time.

Last updated October 25th, 2024

sexual consent form is used to set clear boundaries before engaging in sexual acts. The form ensures that both people know what the other person does and does not consent to before engaging in intercourse or other sexual acts. Either party can revoke consent at any time.

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Consent Withdrawl

While a sexual intercourse consent form is a step towards enthusiastic consent and keeping each individual safe, consent can be withdrawn at any time, regardless of what the language of a consent form might say.[1]

State Laws

Individuals can use the RAINN state law database to learn about consent laws in their state.
Each state has its own consent laws, which cover:
  • How consent is defined.
  • The age of consent.
  • How a difference in age impacts an individual’s ability to consent.
  • How disabilities or mental incapacity impacts the ability to consent.
  • How consciousness impacts the ability to consent.
  • How intoxication influences the capacity to consent.

How to Complete a Sexual Consent Form (5 Steps)

1. Indicate the Participants, Time, and Date

Each person participating in the sexual act must provide their name. The first party will be identified as the “proposer” and the second as the “consenter.” The sexual intercourse consent form should also state the date and time the acts will occur.

2. Select the Desired Acts

The form contains a list of sexual activities the individuals may want to perform with one another. The form lists possible sexual activities. Each person should initial next to those they consent to.

Additionally, the form contains a ratchet clause, meaning that the parties have the right to indicate ahead of time if they want flexibility to perform acts outside of this form should things escalate.

3. State Contraception Measures

Each person will state what contraception they intend to use during sexual activities and what methods they use on an ongoing basis, if any.

4. Specify Accidental Violation Rules 

The form should state how the individuals intend to handle an accidental violation of the consent agreement. The individuals may elect to treat a violation either as assault or as an accident.

5. Sign

Both people must sign the document to validate it. Their signatures help ensure they are both on the same page regarding the permitted acts and boundaries laid out in the document.