Sterilization Consent Form (Form HHS-687)

A sterilization consent form (Form HHS-687) grants a physician consent to perform a male or female sterilization procedure, such as a vasectomy or tubal litigation. When a patient signs this form, they demonstrate that they understand the risks and permanent effects of the procedure, have had their questions answered, and were advised on alternative birth control options.

Sterilization Consent Form (Form HHS-687)

A sterilization consent form (Form HHS-687) grants a physician consent to perform a male or female sterilization procedure, such as a vasectomy or tubal litigation. When a patient signs this form, they demonstrate that they understand the risks and permanent effects of the procedure, have had their questions answered, and were advised on alternative birth control options.

Last updated August 19th, 2024

A sterilization consent form (Form HHS-687) grants a physician consent to perform a male or female sterilization procedure, such as a vasectomy or tubal litigation. When a patient signs this form, they demonstrate that they understand the risks and permanent effects of the procedure, have had their questions answered, and were advised on alternative birth control options.

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Federally Funded Programs: Consent Laws

Physicians must comply with the following federal laws when performing sterilizations covered by Medicaid or another federally funded health service:

  • Patient Requirements – Patients must be mentally competent, at least 21 years of age, and provide informed consent under federal procedures.[2]
  • Waiting Period – Sterilization must occur at least 30 days but no more than 180 days after the date of consent.[3] However, the procedure can be performed as soon as 72 hours after the date of consent in the case of:
    • Emergency abdominal surgery.
    • Premature birth, so long as consent is received at least 30 days before the expected delivery date.

The abovementioned federal requirements do not apply if the patient pays for the sterilization out-of-pocket or through their private health insurance provider.