California Quitclaim Deed Form

A California quitclaim deed is used by property owners to transfer real estate without guaranteeing a clean property title. Often applied to transfers between family members or during divorce proceedings, the grantee (person receiving property) assumes all risk of title issues, but the grantor remains responsible for any mortgage attached to the property.

California Quitclaim Deed Form

A California quitclaim deed is used by property owners to transfer real estate without guaranteeing a clean property title. Often applied to transfers between family members or during divorce proceedings, the grantee (person receiving property) assumes all risk of title issues, but the grantor remains responsible for any mortgage attached to the property.

Last updated March 18th, 2025

A California quitclaim deed is used by property owners to transfer real estate without guaranteeing a clean property title. Often applied to transfers between family members or during divorce proceedings, the grantee (person receiving property) assumes all risk of title issues, but the grantor remains responsible for any mortgage attached to the property.

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Recording Details

  • Signing Requirements – The grantor must acknowledge their signature before a notary public.[1]
  • Where to RecordCounty Recorder[2]
  • Recording fees – As of this writing, $10 for the first page, $3 per additional page.[3] A $75 fee may also be applied unless the new owner will occupy the property as their primary residence.[4]

Formatting Requirements

The following formatting requirements must be applied before a deed is recorded:

  • Paper: Maximum 8.5 x 14 in.[5]
  • Margins: 2.5 in. margin on the top of the first page[6]

Quitclaim Deed (Preview)