A Mississippi quit claim deed is document that transfers a property title without any warranty to the recipient (grantee) from the transferor (grantor). The lack of warranty means that the grantor makes no guarantee that the property is free of third-party claims, or that they even have the right to transfer ownership. This type of unsecured conveyance is more prudently used in situations where a title needs to be transferred between family members, when updating the owners listed on the title, or in remedying title defects (e.g., misspelled names). Mississippi law requires that deeds include the grantor and grantee’s phone numbers where they can be contacted during business hours.
- Statute: § 89-1-39
- Formatting: § 89-5-24, § 27-3-51(2)
- Signing Requirements (§ 89-3-1(1)): Notary Public
- Where to Record: Chancery Clerk’s Office
- Recording Fees (§ 25-7-9(1)(b)): $25 for the first 5 pages; $1 for each additional page.
- Property Disclosure Statement (§ 89-1-503): Sellers must complete this property condition disclosure form and give it to prospective buyers before the title is transferred.