Recording Requirements
- The grantor’s signature must be acknowledged by a justice of the peace, court clerk, or notary.[1] In practice, notarization is the most common acknowledgment.
- As formatting standards not outlined in state statutes, it’s advised to consult the recorder of deeds for county-specific recording requirements. Many counties in Pennsylvania adhere to the PRIA standard for documents, which include the below[2]:
- White paper with a size of 8.5 inches by 11 inches (8.5 by 14 inches is acceptable)
- Black text with a font size of 10 pt.
- 3″ margin in the top right corner of the first page and 1″ for all other margins.
The Recorder of Deed’s office files deeds for properties located in its county.[3] State law specifies the filing fee as $11.50; however, counties set their filing fees around $100 – 200.[4]
Special Warranty Deed (Preview)
Additional Forms
Bituminous Coal Notice – If a property includes bituminous coal on its land and it is not disclosed in the deed, this notice must be submitted at the time of recording.[5]
Coal Severance Notice – This notice must be included in the deed if there has been a severance of coal below the property’s surface.[6]
Form REV-183 (Realty Transfer Tax Statement of Value) – Must be filed with a deed if the transfer tax is not fully paid, or when the full consideration isn’t reported in the deed.[7]