North Dakota 1-Month Notice to Quit | Lease Termination Letter

A North Dakota 1-month notice to quit is a form that notifies the recipient that their landlord or tenant is terminating their month-to-month lease. This notice states that the tenancy will expire in one month after being served to the other party. As long as sufficient notice is given, neither party is required to provide a termination reason when ending the tenancy.

North Dakota 1-Month Notice to Quit | Lease Termination Letter

A North Dakota 1-month notice to quit is a form that notifies the recipient that their landlord or tenant is terminating their month-to-month lease. This notice states that the tenancy will expire in one month after being served to the other party. As long as sufficient notice is given, neither party is required to provide a termination reason when ending the tenancy.

Last updated October 9th, 2024

A North Dakota 1-month notice to quit is a form that notifies the recipient that their landlord or tenant is terminating their month-to-month lease. This notice states that the tenancy will expire in one month after being served to the other party. As long as sufficient notice is given, neither party is required to provide a termination reason when ending the tenancy.

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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Rental (Premises) Street Address: [STREET ADDRESS] City: [CITY] State: North Dakota

You are notified that the rental agreement signed on [MM/DD/YYYY] for the leased premises listed above is hereby terminated in [#] days, effective [MM/DD/YYYY].

On the day the Tenant(s) move(s) out of the premises, both the Landlord and Tenant(s) should walk through the rental to perform a move-out inspection.

The Tenant(s) agrees to arrange for all utilities to be turned OFF upon vacating the premises. If the Landlord would like to transfer the accounts to their name, they should inform the Tenant(s) as soon as possible.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________
Printed Name: _____________________________