How to eSign a PDF (FREE)

How to eSign a PDF (FREE)

Last updated May 22nd, 2023

Upload or import any PDF or Word file and send it to be electronically signed. All that is required is the signer’s name and e-mail. Place the fields for each recipient, and an e-mail confirmation will be sent once all parties have signed. If the sender creates a free account, they can track who has viewed and signed the document.

Step 1. Click the Upload button

Go to the homepage and click the Upload button.

Step 2. Upload a Document

Upload a PDFMS Word, or image file.

Step 3. Enter Signers

Enter the names and e-mails of all signers. If the sender is a signing, their name and e-mail must be entered.

Step 4. Place Fields

The sender can place the following fields in the document:

  • Signatures
  • Initials
  • Textboxes
  • Checkboxes
  • Dates; and
  • Strike-throughs.

Step 5. Send for Signature

Click the Send button and choose the notification settings for each recipient. The sender can also choose to disable signer notifications if selected.