Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is a practice in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in which needles are inserted at precise points in the patient’s body. It is generally used to relieve and treat pain, headaches, stress, fibromyalgia, and other physical and mental ailments.
What’s Collected
General Patient Information
This section records the patient’s basic information, including their contact details, occupation, marital status, and emergency contact’s name and phone number.
Health Concerns
The patient should describe the issue that has brought them to the clinic, including how it affects day-to-day activities, how long they’ve experienced symptoms, and where exactly on their body they’re experiencing symptoms. They should also specify any allergies, previous injuries, and medications or supplements they are taking.
Acknowledgment and Consent
An intake form should describe the treatment and the associated risks. It should also have the patient sign and acknowledge that they understand the risks, give their consent, and release the clinic/acupuncturist of liability for injuries.
Acupuncture Licensing & Regulation
- Is at least 18 or 21 years old.
- Has passed the NCCAOM exams and/or holds certification.
- Holds a university or college degree in a related field.
- Is CNT certified (clean needle technique).
- Pays the licensure fee.