Personal Training Client Intake Form

Personal Training Client Intake Form

Last updated July 27th, 2023

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A personal training client intake form is a questionnaire that is given to new clients before their first training session. The form will require clients to describe what they hope to achieve through personal training and disclose any health concerns that could endanger them. Obtaining this information makes it possible for the trainer to create a training program that is effective and safe.

PAR-Q Form

The physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) is seven standardized questions that determine whether it’s safe for an individual to engage in physical activity. If they answer “Yes” to one or more of the questions, the individual be asked to provide further medical information or obtain a doctor’s approval before beginning training.


What to Include

A personal training intake form will need to obtain the following information from clients:

Client Details

The client will be asked to provide their name and contact information. An emergency contact person is also often required as a precaution.

Fitness Level and Goals

The trainer will need to know the client’s current fitness and activity level, as well as their goals and interests, to create an effective training program they will find engaging.

Health Information

The most important aspect of the intake form is the health questionnaire or PAR-Q form. Certain illnesses, injuries, and conditions make exercise unsafe, and it’s the personal trainer’s responsibility to ensure their clients aren’t put at risk. In addition to disclosing any health conditions that may endanger them, the client may be asked about their stress level, sleep, and other lifestyle factors that could make training less effective.

Training Program

The client will need to provide an estimate of the training frequency and schedule to which they can commit. By getting a list of days and times that are convenient, the trainer will be able to propose a training program and schedule that works for the client and targets their objectives.

Client’s Signature

The client will need to sign the intake form to affirm its accuracy and provide a level of liability protection to the trainer.

After the Form is Completed

After the client has finished filling out the form and signed it, the personal trainer will look it over to get an idea of the client’s current situation and what they hope to achieve. Using their knowledge and expertise, the trainer will propose a training program that, if followed, puts the client on a path toward their fitness goals.

The program should always be tailored to the client’s personal interests, objectives, and level of commitment to help ensure that they stick to it.

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Download: PDFWord (.docx)OpenDocument