Website Intake Form

Website Intake Form

Last updated July 19th, 2023

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website intake form is used to collect client information prior to the design or development of their website. Typically, the website design form would request the client’s contact information and details about their company, intended audience, and desired website features. This information will assist the service provider in producing a proposal tailored to the customer’s needs.

Web Design vs. Web Development

Web design refers to a website’s visual and user experience, everything involved in a website’s look, feel, and layout. A website’s technical implementation and functioning is the primary focus of web development, where web developers use coding languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to build the website’s framework.


What to Include

Client Contact Information

A section where the client can input their name, email address, and phone number should be included in the form.

Project Overview

The more information the client can provide to the designer or developer, the easier it will be to craft a proposal. The intake form should ask the client to provide the following:

  • What the website is about.
  • The website name.
  • Whether there is an existing or intended URL.
  • When the website should go live (if known).
  • An approximate budget.
  • How many pages or sections the website will have.
  • Any logo and branding guidelines.
  • Who the target audience is.

Website Preferences and Features

The client should be asked about what features they want to include in their website and any design preferences they have. The form may ask what websites the client likes or dislikes and why they prefer or do not want those features. Common features include a home page slideshow, social media pages, blog sections, sign-up sheets, and photo and video slideshows.


If the client has any assets they want to use in their website, they should list them in the intake form. Assets can include existing content on their current website, photography and videos, and brand guidelines.

Benefits of a Website Intake Form

Using an intake form for website clients allows the web designer to benefit in several ways:

  • Conversion. If a client is willing to fill out the intake form, they are likely already a warm lead. Having an intake form ready for the client allows the web designer to quickly gauge a potential client’s interest in their services and provide a custom response that may turn them into paying clients.
  • Onboarding. A well-crafted intake form can help ease the onboarding process with new clients. The document provides vital information about their project requirements and can help the web designer provide a tailored solution more quickly.
  • Workflow. Since the web designer will have gathered important upfront details about the project, they will spend less time going back and forth with the client trying to figure out their needs. This will improve efficiency and workflow, allowing the designer to start work sooner.