Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for Video Production

A video production non-disclosure agreement is used to keep certain information regarding a video project, such as a TV show, advertisement, or music video, confidential. The form is signed by an employee, contractor, or other party who is exposed to confidential information as defined in the document. If the receiving party breaks the NDA, they may be liable for damages.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for Video Production

A video production non-disclosure agreement is used to keep certain information regarding a video project, such as a TV show, advertisement, or music video, confidential. The form is signed by an employee, contractor, or other party who is exposed to confidential information as defined in the document. If the receiving party breaks the NDA, they may be liable for damages.

Last updated June 7th, 2024

A video production non-disclosure agreement is used to keep certain information regarding a video project, such as a TV show, advertisement, or music video, confidential. The form is signed by an employee, contractor, or other party who is exposed to confidential information as defined in the document. If the receiving party breaks the NDA, they may be liable for damages.

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1. THE PARTIES. This Video Production Non-Disclosure Agreement, hereinafter known as the “Agreement,” created this [MM/DD/YYYY] is by and between [RELEASOR NAME], hereinafter known as “Releasor,” and [RECIPIENT NAME], hereinafter known as “Recipient,” and collectively known as the “Parties.”

WHEREAS, this Agreement is created for the purpose of preventing the unauthorized disclosure of the confidential and proprietary information (the “Confidential Information”). The Parties agree as follows:

2. THE PROJECT. All information disclosed about the video production, project, or script titled [PROJECT TITLE], hereinafter known as the “Project,” that includes, but is not limited to, written, electronic, or oral statements made about the Project shall hereafter and forever be deemed confidential and shall further be known as “Confidential Information.”

3. OWNERSHIP RIGHTS. All Confidential Information shall remain under the ownership of the Releasor with the Recipient agreeing not to disclose any information or ideas related to the Project except the Recipient’s agents, licensees, successors, and assigns on a “need to know” basis. The Recipient shall be responsible for any improper disclosure of the Confidential Information by their representatives.

4. NO GUARANTEES. This Agreement in no way guarantees or suggests employment for the Recipient or compensation for time as it relates to the development and evaluation of the Project. Should the Releasor resolve to employ the Recipient, no other contractual instruments may be applied.

5. SEVERABILITY. If a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be interpreted so as best to affect the intent of the Parties.

6. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed under the laws in the State of [STATE NAME].

WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date written below.

[RELEASOR NAME] Signature: ________________________ Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

[RECIPIENT NAME] Signature: ________________________ Date:  [MM/DD/YYYY]