Georgia Statutory Durable Power of Attorney Form

A Georgia durable power of attorney enables an individual, referred to as the principal, to authorize an agent to handle financial matters. This type of document differs from other, non-durable powers of attorney in that it doesn’t revoke if the principal loses their ability to make decisions due to a mental illness, injury, or other incapacitating conditions.

Georgia Statutory Durable Power of Attorney Form

A Georgia durable power of attorney enables an individual, referred to as the principal, to authorize an agent to handle financial matters. This type of document differs from other, non-durable powers of attorney in that it doesn’t revoke if the principal loses their ability to make decisions due to a mental illness, injury, or other incapacitating conditions.

Last updated June 7th, 2024

A Georgia durable power of attorney enables an individual, referred to as the principal, to authorize an agent to handle financial matters. This type of document differs from other, non-durable powers of attorney in that it doesn’t revoke if the principal loses their ability to make decisions due to a mental illness, injury, or other incapacitating conditions.

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