North Dakota Durable Power of Attorney Form

North Dakota durable power of attorney allows an individual to appoint an agent to make financial decisions on their behalf. The agent’s authority will remain in effect if the principal (assignor of authority) becomes disabled or mentally incapacitated. The signed power of attorney will relay the powers the agent has and when their authority is effective.

North Dakota Durable Power of Attorney Form

North Dakota durable power of attorney allows an individual to appoint an agent to make financial decisions on their behalf. The agent’s authority will remain in effect if the principal (assignor of authority) becomes disabled or mentally incapacitated. The signed power of attorney will relay the powers the agent has and when their authority is effective.

Last updated June 3rd, 2024

North Dakota durable power of attorney allows an individual to appoint an agent to make financial decisions on their behalf. The agent’s authority will remain in effect if the principal (assignor of authority) becomes disabled or mentally incapacitated. The signed power of attorney will relay the powers the agent has and when their authority is effective.

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Signing Requirements

Notary acknowledgment is not specifically required by North Dakota law, but it is standard practice and may be required in some circumstances.

Legal Definition

A durable power of attorney is a power of attorney by which a principal designates another as the principal’s attorney in fact in writing…showing the intent of the principal that the authority conferred is the exercisable notwithstanding the principal’s subsequent disability or incapacity…[1]


    1. § 30.1-30-01