New York Limited Power of Attorney Form

A New York limited power of attorney enables an individual to elect an agent to act in their place for the specific purposes listed in the document. The POA describes both the duration and the type of power granted (banking transaction, real estate sale, etc.). Commonly, the authority terminates once the agent has performed their assignments.

New York Limited Power of Attorney Form

A New York limited power of attorney enables an individual to elect an agent to act in their place for the specific purposes listed in the document. The POA describes both the duration and the type of power granted (banking transaction, real estate sale, etc.). Commonly, the authority terminates once the agent has performed their assignments.

Last updated May 27th, 2024

A New York limited power of attorney enables an individual to elect an agent to act in their place for the specific purposes listed in the document. The POA describes both the duration and the type of power granted (banking transaction, real estate sale, etc.). Commonly, the authority terminates once the agent has performed their assignments.

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Signing Requirements

The principal’s signature must be[1]:

  • Provided in the presence of two witnesses who are not named in the power of attorney as agents or recipients of gifts; and
  • Acknowledged in the presence of a notary public (the notary can act as one of the witnesses).

Each agent appointed in the power of attorney must also sign the document and acknowledge their signature before a notary public.[2]

Power of Attorney (Preview)

New York Limited Power Of Attorney