New York Living Will Form

New York Living Will Form

Last updated February 2nd, 2022

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New York living will defines a principal’s wishes concerning health care administered when they’re unable to communicate. This document will indicate whether the principal wishes to receive or decline medical treatments such as CPR, artificial nutrition, blood transfusions, and pain relief medication. If the principal desires, they can designate a health care agent for their medical decisions via the execution of a Medical Power of Attorney.

Laws – New York law does not govern livings wills. However, the Court of Appeals has determined that a living will is valid if it provides “clear and convincing” evidence of the principal’s health care wishes (Matter of O’Connor, 72 N.Y.2d 517, 531 N.E.2d 886 (1988)).

Signing Requirements – Not statutorily defined. It is recommended that a living will be signed by two (2) adult witnesses.