West Virginia General Power of Attorney Form

A West Virginia general power of attorney designates an agent to handle financial matters on behalf of the person who creates the document. A trustworthy agent should be appointed, as they will have control over most of the principal’s estate and finances. The agent’s powers are effective as soon as the document is signed, unless stated otherwise on the form.

West Virginia General Power of Attorney Form

A West Virginia general power of attorney designates an agent to handle financial matters on behalf of the person who creates the document. A trustworthy agent should be appointed, as they will have control over most of the principal’s estate and finances. The agent’s powers are effective as soon as the document is signed, unless stated otherwise on the form.

Last updated May 27th, 2024

A West Virginia general power of attorney designates an agent to handle financial matters on behalf of the person who creates the document. A trustworthy agent should be appointed, as they will have control over most of the principal’s estate and finances. The agent’s powers are effective as soon as the document is signed, unless stated otherwise on the form.

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For this arrangement to be non-durable (that is, to terminate in the event of the principal’s incapacitation), they will need to state that the power of attorney is non-durable in the “Special Instructions” section of the document.

Signing Requirements

A notary public must acknowledge the principal’s signature.[1]


  1. § 39B-1-105