Car Accident Release of Liability Form

A car accident release of liability form is a contract in which one party waives their right to sue for injuries or damages caused by another party’s vehicle. The form aims to settle disputes out of court and prevent future claims over the same incident. In exchange for signing, the party giving up their rights will be compensated by the other driver or their insurance provider.

Car Accident Release of Liability Form

A car accident release of liability form is a contract in which one party waives their right to sue for injuries or damages caused by another party’s vehicle. The form aims to settle disputes out of court and prevent future claims over the same incident. In exchange for signing, the party giving up their rights will be compensated by the other driver or their insurance provider.

Last updated February 28th, 2024

A car accident release of liability form is a contract in which one party waives their right to sue for injuries or damages caused by another party’s vehicle. The form aims to settle disputes out of court and prevent future claims over the same incident. In exchange for signing, the party giving up their rights will be compensated by the other driver or their insurance provider.

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How to Complete a Release of Liability Form (4 Steps)

1. Identify the Parties

The parties involved in the car accident must be identified to show who is giving up their right to sue, and who is being released from liability. The two parties are:

  • Releasor The releasor is the party who, in exchange for compensation, waives their right to sue. They are generally the victim in the accident.
  • ReleaseeThe releasee is the party who’s being freed from liability for damages and injury.

2. Describe the Accident

A release of liability form needs to include the time and date of the car accident. Doing so makes sure there’s no confusion about the incident covered by the release, especially if either of the drivers has been in more than one collision.

3. Specify the Releasor’s Consideration (Payment)

Consideration refers to something of value the releasee gives the releasor in return for giving up their right to take legal action. In the case of this release of liability form, the consideration will be a specific amount of money.

4. Sign

Each party must sign the form for it to be considered valid and legally enforceable.

Car Accident Release of Liability Form (Preview)