Rhode Island Immediate Notice to Quit | Illegal Activity

A Rhode Island immediate notice to quit is served on a tenant who has engaged in illegal activity on the premises to end their lease. It states that the landlord will begin an eviction suit if the tenant fails to vacate by the specified date. While serving this form is not legally required, it can help avoid the formal eviction process if the tenant vacates after receiving the notice.

Rhode Island Immediate Notice to Quit | Illegal Activity

A Rhode Island immediate notice to quit is served on a tenant who has engaged in illegal activity on the premises to end their lease. It states that the landlord will begin an eviction suit if the tenant fails to vacate by the specified date. While serving this form is not legally required, it can help avoid the formal eviction process if the tenant vacates after receiving the notice.

Last updated September 22nd, 2024

A Rhode Island immediate notice to quit is served on a tenant who has engaged in illegal activity on the premises to end their lease. It states that the landlord will begin an eviction suit if the tenant fails to vacate by the specified date. While serving this form is not legally required, it can help avoid the formal eviction process if the tenant vacates after receiving the notice.

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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Rental (Premises) Street Address: [STREET ADDRESS] City: [CITY] State: Rhode Island

You have violated the law and your rental agreement by engaging in an illegal activity on the premises listed above, or by using the premises for an illegal purpose, as follows: [ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES].

Pursuant to § 34-18-36(f), you are hereby notified that your tenancy is terminated immediately. You must move from the premises no later than [MM/DD/YYYY] at [HH:MM] AM | PM. If you have not moved by the date and time indicated on this notice, a lawsuit may be filed to evict you.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________
Printed Name: _____________________________