Independent Contractor Non-Disclosure Agreement

An independent contractor non-disclosure agreement protects a company’s proprietary information against unauthorized disclosure by a hired independent contractor. It specifies the information that must be kept confidential, each party’s duties, and the penalties for breaching the agreement.

Independent Contractor Non-Disclosure Agreement

An independent contractor non-disclosure agreement protects a company’s proprietary information against unauthorized disclosure by a hired independent contractor. It specifies the information that must be kept confidential, each party’s duties, and the penalties for breaching the agreement.

Last updated May 27th, 2024

An independent contractor non-disclosure agreement protects a company’s proprietary information against unauthorized disclosure by a hired independent contractor. It specifies the information that must be kept confidential, each party’s duties, and the penalties for breaching the agreement.

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When to Use

This unilateral non-disclosure agreement is used before hiring an independent contractor who will receive their client’s confidential information and trade secrets to perform their work. Signing an NDA ensures that the independent contractor cannot use or profit from the client’s information during or after their service.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (Preview)

Independent Contractor Non Disclosure Agreement