Psychology Consent Form

psychology consent form is used by researchers to get an individual’s consent for their participation in a research study and provide them with important information about it. This form is commonly used in universities, clinical trials, and research institutions.

Psychology Consent Form

psychology consent form is used by researchers to get an individual’s consent for their participation in a research study and provide them with important information about it. This form is commonly used in universities, clinical trials, and research institutions.

Last updated October 21st, 2024

psychology consent form is used by researchers to get an individual’s consent for their participation in a research study and provide them with important information about it. This form is commonly used in universities, clinical trials, and research institutions.

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Informed Consent

This consent form for psychology research is part of the informed consent process between the researcher and the potential participant. It gives the individual an overview of what is expected of them and any risk factors that may be involved and helps them decide whether to participate. Researchers can use this form to keep accurate, up-to-date documentation of the consent process.

Common Rule

The Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, also known as the Common Rule, sets forth requirements for consent when research involves human subjects and receives federal funding or regulation.[1]

What to Include in a Psychology Consent Form

Parties Conducting Research

The informed consent form for psychological research should include the name of the university or research institution. 

Purpose of the Study

A brief statement about the research’s purpose should be included to help the individual understand why they are participating in the study.


The form should state what the participant will be expected to do if they agree to partake in the study, including the expected time commitment. 

Risks and Benefits

If the study has any potential risk of harm or discomfort to the participant, it should be described in the form. The benefits the participant may receive and what it contributes to the research should also be included.

Voluntary Nature and Withdrawal

The form should include a statement that assures the participant that their involvement is voluntary and that they may stop at any time and for any reason during the study.


The participant should be made aware that their name will not be used for identification purposes, will not be included in reports, and the data will only be accessible to the project researchers.


The name, phone number, and email address of an individual who can answer questions at a later time should be provided on the form to the participant.

Consent and Signature

The form should include a space for the participant’s name and signature. The document should state that the participant has read the information on the consent form and that their signature means they agree to participate and give their consent to the study.


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The [INSTITUTION NAME] supports the practice of protecting human participants in research. The following will provide you with information about the experiment that will help you in deciding whether you wish to participate. If you agree to participate, please be aware that you are free to withdraw at any point throughout the duration of the experiment.

1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this study is to [DESCRIBE STUDY PURPOSE].

2. PROCEDURE. If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to do the following:


The total time required to complete the study should be approximately [APPROXIMATE LENGTH].

3. BENEFITS. Potential benefits to the study and to the participant include: [LIST BENEFITS]

4. RISKS. Potential risks and discomforts the participant may experience may include: [LIST POTENTIAL RISKS]

5. VOLUNTARY NATURE. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary, and you may refuse to complete the study at any point during the experiment or refuse to answer any questions with which you are uncomfortable.

6. CONFIDENTIALITY. Your name will never be connected to your results or to your responses on the questionnaires; instead, a number will be used for identification purposes. Information that would make it possible to identify you or any other participant will never be included in any sort of report. The data will be accessible only to those working on the project. 

7. QUESTIONS. You may ask questions any time regarding the study. If you have questions later, you may contact [CONTACT NAME] by phone at [PHONE #], or by email at [CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS].

8. CONSENT. I have read the above information. I have asked any questions I had regarding the experimental procedure, and they have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent to participate in this study. 

Participant Signature: ____________________________ Date: [DATE]


  1. § 46.101(a)