Louisiana Limited Power of Attorney Form

A Louisiana limited power of attorney allows individuals to designate an agent to handle specific financial tasks on their behalf. The key feature of a limited POA is the narrow scope of authority granted to the agent. The agent is only allowed to perform the duties assigned to them in the document, and their authority usually terminates after these tasks have been completed.

Louisiana Limited Power of Attorney Form

A Louisiana limited power of attorney allows individuals to designate an agent to handle specific financial tasks on their behalf. The key feature of a limited POA is the narrow scope of authority granted to the agent. The agent is only allowed to perform the duties assigned to them in the document, and their authority usually terminates after these tasks have been completed.

Last updated June 14th, 2024

A Louisiana limited power of attorney allows individuals to designate an agent to handle specific financial tasks on their behalf. The key feature of a limited POA is the narrow scope of authority granted to the agent. The agent is only allowed to perform the duties assigned to them in the document, and their authority usually terminates after these tasks have been completed.

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Signing Requirements

Louisiana statutes don’t outline signing requirements for powers of attorney (“mandates”). However, a POA should be signed before two witnesses and authenticated by a notary public.[1]

Power of Attorney (Preview)

Louisiana Limited Power Of Attorney


    1. CC 29902993