Massachusetts Medical Power of Attorney Form

A Massachusetts medical power of attorney allows an individual to select a health care agent to make decisions on their behalf should they become incapacitated. This document, also called a “health care proxy,” gives broad authority to the designated agent, enabling them to make any medical decision that the principal could if they were mentally competent.

Massachusetts Medical Power of Attorney Form

A Massachusetts medical power of attorney allows an individual to select a health care agent to make decisions on their behalf should they become incapacitated. This document, also called a “health care proxy,” gives broad authority to the designated agent, enabling them to make any medical decision that the principal could if they were mentally competent.

Last updated June 25th, 2024

A Massachusetts medical power of attorney allows an individual to select a health care agent to make decisions on their behalf should they become incapacitated. This document, also called a “health care proxy,” gives broad authority to the designated agent, enabling them to make any medical decision that the principal could if they were mentally competent.

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Signing Requirements

The principal must sign the health care proxy in the presence of two witnesses. [1]

Power of Attorney (Preview)

Massachusetts Medical Power Of Attorney

“Health care proxy,” a document delegating to an agent the authority to make health care decisions, executed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.[2]


The principal may revoke their health care proxy in the following ways[3]:

  • By informing their agent or health care provider in any way that expresses their intent to revoke.
  • By executing a new health care proxy.
  • By divorce or legal separation (if the spouse was the health care agent).