Florida Quit Claim Deed Form

Florida quit claim deed transfers a property’s title from one owner to another without any assurances of a clean title. Since this type of deed doesn’t come with guarantees, the grantee will be solely responsible for any claims discovered after recording. Therefore, a quit claim deed is typically reserved for transfers between family members and other trusted parties.

Florida Quit Claim Deed Form

Florida quit claim deed transfers a property’s title from one owner to another without any assurances of a clean title. Since this type of deed doesn’t come with guarantees, the grantee will be solely responsible for any claims discovered after recording. Therefore, a quit claim deed is typically reserved for transfers between family members and other trusted parties.

Last updated February 11th, 2025

Florida quit claim deed transfers a property’s title from one owner to another without any assurances of a clean title. Since this type of deed doesn’t come with guarantees, the grantee will be solely responsible for any claims discovered after recording. Therefore, a quit claim deed is typically reserved for transfers between family members and other trusted parties.

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Recording Details

  • Signing Requirements – Deeds must be notarized and signed in the presence of two witnesses.[1]
  • Where to RecordClerk of Circuit Court[2]
  • Recording fees – $10 for the first page, $8.50 for each additional page (as of this writing)[3]

Formatting Requirements

To be accepted by the county clerk for recording, the first page of a deed must have a 3″ x 3″ space at the top right corner, and all subsequent pages must have 1″ x 3″ spaces at the top right corner.[4]

Quit Claim Deed (Preview)