Missouri Quitclaim Deed Form

A Missouri quitclaim deed transfers a real estate title to a grantee without any guarantee that it is free of encumbrances. This deed simply states that the grantor is transferring whatever interest they have in the property, if any, and that they make no promise regarding existing debts or liabilities attached to the title.

Missouri Quitclaim Deed Form

A Missouri quitclaim deed transfers a real estate title to a grantee without any guarantee that it is free of encumbrances. This deed simply states that the grantor is transferring whatever interest they have in the property, if any, and that they make no promise regarding existing debts or liabilities attached to the title.

Last updated February 26th, 2025

A Missouri quitclaim deed transfers a real estate title to a grantee without any guarantee that it is free of encumbrances. This deed simply states that the grantor is transferring whatever interest they have in the property, if any, and that they make no promise regarding existing debts or liabilities attached to the title.

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Recording Details

  • Signing Requirements – The grantor must sign the deed and have it notarized.[1]
    • St. Louis – In St. Louis, the grantee must also sign.[2]
  • Where to RecordRecorder of Deeds[3]
  • Recording Fees – Fees vary by county, but many charge around $24 for the first page and $3 for additional pages (as of this writing).[4]

Formatting Requirements

County recorders may refuse deeds that don’t adhere to the following formatting standards[5]:
  • Pages: Single-sided and unbound
  • Print: At least 8-point type and black/dark ink
  • Paper: White paper at least 20-pound weight
  • Margins: 3″ top margin and at least 3/4″ on every other side.

Quitclaim Deed (Preview)