Washington Bargain and Sale Deed Form

Washington bargain and sale deed is used to transfer property from a seller to a buyer with a guarantee that the title has not been previously conveyed or encumbered during the seller’s ownership. Often referred to as a “special warranty deed” in other states, it only holds the seller liable for encumbrances if they were made while they held the title.

Washington Bargain and Sale Deed Form

Washington bargain and sale deed is used to transfer property from a seller to a buyer with a guarantee that the title has not been previously conveyed or encumbered during the seller’s ownership. Often referred to as a “special warranty deed” in other states, it only holds the seller liable for encumbrances if they were made while they held the title.

Last updated March 25th, 2025

Washington bargain and sale deed is used to transfer property from a seller to a buyer with a guarantee that the title has not been previously conveyed or encumbered during the seller’s ownership. Often referred to as a “special warranty deed” in other states, it only holds the seller liable for encumbrances if they were made while they held the title.

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Recording Requirements

  1. A notary must acknowledge the grantor’s signature.[1]
  2. Deeds cannot exceed 8.5 by 11 inches in size.[2]
  3. The first page top margin must be at least 3 inches, all other margins must be at least 1 inch.
  4. Documents must be printed in at least 8 pt.

The County Recorder’s Office files deeds for properties located in its county.[3] The current recording fee of $303.50 for the first page and $1 for each additional page.[4]