Maryland 10-Day Notice to Quit | Non-Payment of Rent

The Maryland 10-day notice to quit for non-payment informs tenants that their rent is late, and they are required to pay the overdue amount or vacate the premises. If the tenant doesn’t comply with the notice’s terms, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement and recover possession of the premises by court order.

Maryland 10-Day Notice to Quit | Non-Payment of Rent

The Maryland 10-day notice to quit for non-payment informs tenants that their rent is late, and they are required to pay the overdue amount or vacate the premises. If the tenant doesn’t comply with the notice’s terms, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement and recover possession of the premises by court order.

Last updated July 26th, 2024

The Maryland 10-day notice to quit for non-payment informs tenants that their rent is late, and they are required to pay the overdue amount or vacate the premises. If the tenant doesn’t comply with the notice’s terms, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement and recover possession of the premises by court order.

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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Rental Premises Street Address: [STREET ADDRESS] City: [CITY] State: Maryland

You are notified that you owe rent in the amount of $[AMOUNT OWED]. This amount does not include any late fees that you may also owe. You may not be evicted for non-payment of late fees.

If you do not pay this rent by the date stated below, your tenancy will be terminated, and you will be required to move.

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY] Time: [HH:MM] ( AM | PM)

If you pay your rent in full before the date and time above, you do not have to move.

If you do NOT pay your rent or move by the date and time above, a lawsuit may be filed to evict you.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________
Printed Name: _____________________________


I certify that on [MM/DD/YYYY] I served this notice to [TENANT / RECIPIENT NAME] by:

– Delivering it personally to the person in possession of the Premises.
– Delivering it to the Premises to a member of the Tenant’s family or household or an employee of suitable age and discretion with a request that it be delivered to the person in possession of the Premises.
– Certified first-class mail addressed to the person in possession of the Premises.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________