Maryland Eviction Notice Templates (4)

A Maryland eviction notice informs a tenant that their landlord may take legal action to evict them unless they correct a lease violation, pay rent, or vacate the premises. The notice must include the reason for the notice, any action the tenant can take to maintain their lease, and the number of days the tenant is given to comply before the landlord evicts them.

Maryland Eviction Notice Templates (4)

A Maryland eviction notice informs a tenant that their landlord may take legal action to evict them unless they correct a lease violation, pay rent, or vacate the premises. The notice must include the reason for the notice, any action the tenant can take to maintain their lease, and the number of days the tenant is given to comply before the landlord evicts them.

Last updated July 26th, 2024

A Maryland eviction notice informs a tenant that their landlord may take legal action to evict them unless they correct a lease violation, pay rent, or vacate the premises. The notice must include the reason for the notice, any action the tenant can take to maintain their lease, and the number of days the tenant is given to comply before the landlord evicts them.

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Eviction Notices: By Type (4)

10-Day Notice to Quit for Non-Payment – Gives the tenant ten days’ notice to pay rent or vacate the premises.


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30-Day Notice to Quit for Non-Compliance – Served on a tenant who has violated their lease. The tenant will have 30 days to satisfy the landlord’s terms.


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14-Day Notice to Quit for Clear and Imminent Danger – Used when a tenant causes or allows a clear and imminent danger on the premises.


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30/60-Day Notice to Terminate Month-to-Month Lease – Terminates a monthly lease with the notice period required by state statutes (30 days for tenants, 60 days for landlords).


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Notice Requirements

  • Grace Period for Rent – Not mentioned in state statutes.
  • Non-Payment of Rent – No notice required.[1]
  • Lease Non-Compliance – 30 days.[2]
  • Clear and Imminent Danger – 14 days.[3]
  • Periodic Tenancy Termination – 60 days.[4]

How to Evict a Tenant in Maryland

In almost all situations, a tenant may only be evicted after being served with a written letter known as a “notice to quit.” The purpose of the notice is to state the infraction and the period in which the tenant must comply with the notice demands. It may also outline the remedial actions the tenant can take to retain their lease. Eviction requirements vary in certain jurisdictions, as is the case with Baltimore City. Before proceeding, landlords are encouraged to contact their local district court to inform themselves of any variances.

Step 1 – Prepare an Eviction Notice

There are several reasons why a tenant might be evicted in Maryland, and the type of notice provided to the tenant must correspond with the reason for eviction. If the tenant violates their lease, fails to pay rent,* remains on the property after their lease expires, or creates a clear and imminent danger on the premises, the landlord will have legal grounds to serve them with a notice to quit.

*No notice is required when evicting for the non-payment of rent. The use of a notice in this circumstance is optional.

The landlord must prepare one of the following notices:

Step 2 – Serve Tenant With Notice

The landlord should make several copies of the notice before serving it on the tenant, or if the tenant is not available, another occupant of the premises. If personal delivery cannot be performed, the landlord should post the notice to a conspicuous location on the premises and send a copy by certified mail to the tenant’s address.

Step 3 – File Eviction Complaint

The eviction notice will state the time frame in which the tenant must comply with the demands therein. If the tenant doesn’t satisfy the notice terms within this period, the landlord may initiate an eviction lawsuit by filing a complaint with the district court where the property is located. The type of complaint submitted to the court will depend on the nature of the eviction. Some jurisdictions may require additional paperwork upon filing; landlords should contact the district court to see what documents will be needed.

Eviction Complaints:

Eviction complaints can be filed in person or online using the Maryland government e-filing service. Upon submission of the complaint, the landlord will need to pay the filing fee. The court will schedule an eviction hearing immediately after filing or shortly thereafter. In the latter case, notification of the eviction hearing will be delivered to the landlord by mail.

Step 4 – Serve Summons on Tenant

Each eviction complaint includes a summons that must be served on the tenant. The summons will notify the tenant of the hearing date and provide instructions about how to defend their case. After filing the complaint, the landlord must arrange for the sheriff or a constable to serve the summons on the tenant (a service fee will be required).

Step 5 – Eviction Hearing

The landlord and tenant must appear in court on the hearing date to present their cases. Should either party fail to attend the trial, the court may immediately issue a judgment in favor of the present party. The landlord must bring a copy of the eviction complaint/summons to present to the bailiff as well as copies of any supporting evidence (e.g., lease agreement, notice to quit, ledger proving an unpaid balance). A decision will be made by the court after reviewing the cases presented by each party.

Step 6 – Warrant of Restitution

If the landlord prevails at the hearing, they must file a Petition for Warrant of Restitution (DC-CV-081) with the court. This document petitions the court for a warrant which authorizes law enforcement to evict the tenant from the property (the petition must be obtained from a clerk – see Sample). A filing fee will be required upon submission of the petition.

Eviction for Non-Payment:

  • If the eviction is for the non-payment of rent, the landlord must wait until the fifth business day following the hearing to submit the petition. The tenant may, at any point before the actual move-out date, avoid eviction by paying the total amount due to the landlord. However, the landlord can ask the court to deny this right if the tenant has three rent judgments (or four in Baltimore City) made against them in the past 12 months.

Step 7 – Evict Tenant

If the Warrant of Restitution is granted to the landlord and the tenant hasn’t appealed the court’s decisions, the landlord must contact the sheriff’s department to schedule an eviction date to remove the tenant from the property. Both landlord and law enforcement can then visit the property to evict the tenant.