Pennsylvania 30-Day Notice to Quit | Non-Compliance

A Pennsylvania 30-day notice to quit for non-compliance informs a tenant that they are in breach of their rental contract and must either resolve the violation or vacate. Under state law, leases longer than a year cannot be terminated for non-compliance without less than 30 days’ notice. If the notice period expires and the issue is not fixed, the landlord can file for an eviction.

Pennsylvania 30-Day Notice to Quit | Non-Compliance

A Pennsylvania 30-day notice to quit for non-compliance informs a tenant that they are in breach of their rental contract and must either resolve the violation or vacate. Under state law, leases longer than a year cannot be terminated for non-compliance without less than 30 days’ notice. If the notice period expires and the issue is not fixed, the landlord can file for an eviction.

Last updated September 30th, 2024

A Pennsylvania 30-day notice to quit for non-compliance informs a tenant that they are in breach of their rental contract and must either resolve the violation or vacate. Under state law, leases longer than a year cannot be terminated for non-compliance without less than 30 days’ notice. If the notice period expires and the issue is not fixed, the landlord can file for an eviction.

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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Rental (Premises) Street Address: [STREET ADDRESS] City: [CITY] State: Pennsylvania

You are hereby notified that you have seriously violated your rental agreement or your duties under the law. The violation(s) is/are as follows: [LEASE VIOLATION(S)].

If you do not remedy the violation(s) listed above by doing the following: [REMEDIES], within thirty (30) business days from the date you receive this notice, your tenancy will terminate and you will be required to move out by [MM/DD/YYYY] at [HH:MM] AM PM. If you have not remedied the problem(s) and have not moved out by the date above, a lawsuit may be filed to evict you. If you remedy the problem(s) within thirty (30) business days, you may stay.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________
Printed Name: _____________________________