Pharmacy Residency Letter of Intent

Pharmacy Residency Letter of Intent

Last updated April 4th, 2023

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pharmacy residency letter of intent is sent by a pharmacy school graduate to express interest in a particular residency program. The candidate should send this letter to the residency program director, informing them that their program is the candidate’s number one choice. This letter allows the applicant to detail their achievements, relevant experience, and explain why they are a good fit for the program.


How to Write a Letter of Intent for Pharmacy Residency

Letters of intent allow residency directors to find candidates that best fit their program. Candidates should ensure their letter is concise, well-written, and tailored for the program they wish to attend. The following format may be used as a guideline for drafting the letter.

First Paragraph – Introduction

The residency applicant should state their name, what school they attended, and why the candidate is interested in that particular residency program. The first paragraph is also an opportunity to speak about who interviewed them and how the interview went.

Second Paragraph – Self-Promotion

The second paragraph can highlight the candidate’s accomplishments, experience, and strengths related to their intended program. The writer may wish to include specific examples and describe how those experiences helped them prepare for a future in pharmacy. Depending on the number of achievements the individual wishes to write, this section may be split into two paragraphs.

Third Paragraph – Summary

In another body paragraph, the applicant can focus more on how their strengths are well-suited to the program and would be beneficial. They can also describe their career aspirations and how the pharmacy residency will help them achieve those goals.


The letter should conclude by thanking the program director for their time and consideration. Some candidates may wish to leave their email or phone number in case the reader has any follow-up questions.


To set themselves up for success, the pharmacy residency candidate may want to ask themselves some questions before they draft the letter:

  • What about this program interests me, and how will it help me attain my goals?
  • How do my unique experiences make me an ideal choice for this residency program?
  • Why did I choose this career path?
  • What do I bring to the table?

After the letter is written, the applicant may wish to have a trusted third party proofread the document for any mistakes and offer suggestions on improvement in content and tone.


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I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the pharmacy residency program you offer at [INSTITUTION NAME]. I believe this program would give me an excellent opportunity to develop my skills and help me achieve my goals as a pharmacist. I am particularly drawn to this program because I am interested in the [LIST PROGRAM BENEFITS] this residency offers.

During my studies at [MEDICAL SCHOOL NAME], I gained valuable experience and knowledge, particularly during my fourth year, when I participated in clinical rotations such as [LIST ROTATIONS]. These clinical and research projects have given me the opportunity to work with diverse patients, colleagues, and teachers. 

I am confident I will be a good fit for your program and can contribute significantly to an already outstanding program and institution with my experience, work ethic, and eagerness to learn. I am sure that this residency will allow me to reach both short-term and long-term professional goals.

I would be honored to interview for the position, and you may contact me at any time if you have any questions. I appreciate your consideration, and thank you for your time.
