North Dakota Notary Acknowledgment Form

North Dakota notary acknowledgment is used by a notary public to verify the signature and identity of an individual signing a document. The form confirms the individual’s identity and the fact that they signed freely and without coercion. The acknowledgment must contain the date, name of the signee, and the notary’s stamp and signature.

North Dakota Notary Acknowledgment Form

North Dakota notary acknowledgment is used by a notary public to verify the signature and identity of an individual signing a document. The form confirms the individual’s identity and the fact that they signed freely and without coercion. The acknowledgment must contain the date, name of the signee, and the notary’s stamp and signature.

Last updated January 13th, 2025

North Dakota notary acknowledgment is used by a notary public to verify the signature and identity of an individual signing a document. The form confirms the individual’s identity and the fact that they signed freely and without coercion. The acknowledgment must contain the date, name of the signee, and the notary’s stamp and signature.

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State of North Dakota
County of [COUNTY]

This record was acknowledged before me on [MM/DD/YYYY] by [SIGNATORY NAME].

(Signature of notarial officer)


Title of Office

My Commission Expires: [MM/DD/YYYY]