Tennessee Notary Acknowledgment Form

A Tennessee notary acknowledgment certifies that an individual’s signature on a legal document is genuine. The acknowledgment form will state that the signer appeared before the notary and declared that they willingly signed the original document. Once the notary has signed and sealed the form, the legal document has been officially acknowledged.

Tennessee Notary Acknowledgment Form

A Tennessee notary acknowledgment certifies that an individual’s signature on a legal document is genuine. The acknowledgment form will state that the signer appeared before the notary and declared that they willingly signed the original document. Once the notary has signed and sealed the form, the legal document has been officially acknowledged.

Last updated March 4th, 2025

A Tennessee notary acknowledgment certifies that an individual’s signature on a legal document is genuine. The acknowledgment form will state that the signer appeared before the notary and declared that they willingly signed the original document. Once the notary has signed and sealed the form, the legal document has been officially acknowledged.

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State of Tennessee
County of [COUNTY NAME]

On this [DATE], before me personally appeared [SIGNER’S NAME], to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that such person(s) executed the same as such person’s free act and deed.

WITNESS my hand and seal, at office in [COUNTY], Tennessee this [DATE].


Notary Public
My Commission Expires: [DATE]