Delaware Real Estate Power of Attorney Form

A Delaware real estate power of attorney is a document that authorizes a person to make real estate decisions and transactions on behalf of another. The person executing the document can indicate which powers their attorney-in-fact has, which may include purchasing, selling, managing, or refinancing real property.

Delaware Real Estate Power of Attorney Form

A Delaware real estate power of attorney is a document that authorizes a person to make real estate decisions and transactions on behalf of another. The person executing the document can indicate which powers their attorney-in-fact has, which may include purchasing, selling, managing, or refinancing real property.

Last updated June 11th, 2024

A Delaware real estate power of attorney is a document that authorizes a person to make real estate decisions and transactions on behalf of another. The person executing the document can indicate which powers their attorney-in-fact has, which may include purchasing, selling, managing, or refinancing real property.

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Signing Requirements

A real estate power of attorney must be signed by the principal in the presence of a notary public and one witness, who cannot be related to the principal in any way or a beneficiary of their estate.[1]

Power of Attorney (Preview)

Delaware Real Estate Power Of Attorney


    1. § 49A-105(a)