Mississippi Durable Power of Attorney Form

A Mississippi durable power of attorney appoints an agent to perform various financial and business-related tasks for the person who created the form. Because the power of attorney is “durable,” it remains effective in the event of the principal’s disability or incapacity, allowing the agent to continue to make decisions on their behalf.

Mississippi Durable Power of Attorney Form

A Mississippi durable power of attorney appoints an agent to perform various financial and business-related tasks for the person who created the form. Because the power of attorney is “durable,” it remains effective in the event of the principal’s disability or incapacity, allowing the agent to continue to make decisions on their behalf.

Last updated May 6th, 2024

A Mississippi durable power of attorney appoints an agent to perform various financial and business-related tasks for the person who created the form. Because the power of attorney is “durable,” it remains effective in the event of the principal’s disability or incapacity, allowing the agent to continue to make decisions on their behalf.

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Signing Requirements

Mississippi law does not contain any specific signing requirements for durable powers of attorney.

Legal Definition

A durable power of attorney is a power of attorney by which a principal designates another his attorney in fact in writing…showing the intent of the principal that the authority conferred shall be exercisable notwithstanding the principal’s subsequent disability or incapacity…[1]


  1.  § 87-3-105