Pennsylvania Durable Power of Attorney Form

Pennsylvania durable power of attorney enables the person preparing the document to select an attorney-in-fact to manage all or part of their finances. This power of attorney will continue in effect even if the principal (preparer) becomes mentally incompetent.

Pennsylvania Durable Power of Attorney Form

Pennsylvania durable power of attorney enables the person preparing the document to select an attorney-in-fact to manage all or part of their finances. This power of attorney will continue in effect even if the principal (preparer) becomes mentally incompetent.

Last updated May 14th, 2024

Pennsylvania durable power of attorney enables the person preparing the document to select an attorney-in-fact to manage all or part of their finances. This power of attorney will continue in effect even if the principal (preparer) becomes mentally incompetent.

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Signing Requirements

For this power of attorney to be valid, the principal’s signature must be acknowledged before a notary public.[1] Two witnesses must also sign the document.

The witnesses may not be:

  • The agent.
  • The notary public.
  • An individual who signed the power of attorney on behalf of the principal.

Legal Definition

A durable power of attorney is a power of attorney by which a principal designates another his agent in writing. The authority conferred shall be exercisable notwithstanding the principal’s subsequent disability or incapacity.[2]