Pennsylvania Power of Attorney Forms (10)

A Pennsylvania power of attorney is drafted by an individual to select and grant power to someone else to make certain decisions on their behalf. Depending on the needs of the individual (“principal”), the selected “agent” may be asked to handle tax matters, motor vehicle registration, property maintenance, and medical decisions.

Pennsylvania Power of Attorney Forms (10)

A Pennsylvania power of attorney is drafted by an individual to select and grant power to someone else to make certain decisions on their behalf. Depending on the needs of the individual (“principal”), the selected “agent” may be asked to handle tax matters, motor vehicle registration, property maintenance, and medical decisions.

Last updated July 21st, 2024

A Pennsylvania power of attorney is drafted by an individual to select and grant power to someone else to make certain decisions on their behalf. Depending on the needs of the individual (“principal”), the selected “agent” may be asked to handle tax matters, motor vehicle registration, property maintenance, and medical decisions.

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By Type (10)

Advance Directive – Allows a principal to select a health care agent and select the type of health care they wish to receive when they cannot communicate on their own.


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Durable Power of Attorney – Provides an agent with legal authorization to make financial decisions for a principal. This power of attorney will not be affected by the incapacity of the principal.


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General (non-durable) Power of Attorney – Empowers an agent with the right to manage a principal’s financial affairs. This will no longer be valid if the principal loses their mental capacity.


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Limited Power of Attorney – Gives authority to an agent to perform specific tasks for a principal.


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Living Will – Defines the type of health care an individual wants to receive in the event they become unable to communicate on their own.


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Medical Power of Attorney– This enables a representative to serve as a health care proxy for a principal and relay the principal’s preferences when the principal is unable to communicate.


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Motor Vehicle (DMV) Power of Attorney – Used to appoint a representative to handle transactions involving motor vehicles owned by the principal.


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Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – Authorizes an agent to act as a temporary guardian for the principal’s minor child(ren)


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Real Estate Power of Attorney – Allows an agent to sign documents and conduct real estate transactions on behalf of a property owner/buyer.


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Tax (REV-677 LE) Power of Attorney – Grants rights to a representative who may act on behalf of a taxpayer and handle confidential tax matters with the Department of Revenue.


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