Alabama Standard Residential Lease Agreement

An Alabama standard residential lease agreement is a legal document that allows a landlord to rent property to a tenant for a fixed term. The arrangement usually lasts for a contract term of one year and requires the tenant to pay rent on the first of every month. In any case, the two parties should discuss all lease conditions before signing.

Alabama Standard Residential Lease Agreement

An Alabama standard residential lease agreement is a legal document that allows a landlord to rent property to a tenant for a fixed term. The arrangement usually lasts for a contract term of one year and requires the tenant to pay rent on the first of every month. In any case, the two parties should discuss all lease conditions before signing.

Last updated March 4th, 2025

An Alabama standard residential lease agreement is a legal document that allows a landlord to rent property to a tenant for a fixed term. The arrangement usually lasts for a contract term of one year and requires the tenant to pay rent on the first of every month. In any case, the two parties should discuss all lease conditions before signing.

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Rental Application – Landlords can screen tenants by having them complete an application to rent their property.

Required Disclosures (2)

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form (PDF) – This disclosure is used to identify toxic paint on the rental premises. It must be given if the property was constructed before 1978.[1]
  2. Owner/Manager Identification – The owner must state the name and address of any persons authorized to manage the premises, receive notice from the tenant, and carry out service of process.[2]

Security Deposits

  • Maximum Amount ($) – 1 month’s rent.[3]
  • Returning to Tenant – 60 days.[4]

Rent Grace Period

In Alabama, there is no rent grace period; rent is due on the day stated in the lease agreement.[5]

Landlord Resources