Utah 3-Day Notice to Vacate | Non-Payment

A Utah 3-day notice to vacate for non-payment informs a tenant that they owe unpaid rent and must vacate the property if they do not pay within three days. It allows the landlord to initiate eviction proceedings if the tenant fails to comply with the notice requirements. If the tenant pays the amount owed within the notice period, their tenancy will not be terminated.

Utah 3-Day Notice to Vacate | Non-Payment

A Utah 3-day notice to vacate for non-payment informs a tenant that they owe unpaid rent and must vacate the property if they do not pay within three days. It allows the landlord to initiate eviction proceedings if the tenant fails to comply with the notice requirements. If the tenant pays the amount owed within the notice period, their tenancy will not be terminated.

Last updated August 31st, 2024

A Utah 3-day notice to vacate for non-payment informs a tenant that they owe unpaid rent and must vacate the property if they do not pay within three days. It allows the landlord to initiate eviction proceedings if the tenant fails to comply with the notice requirements. If the tenant pays the amount owed within the notice period, their tenancy will not be terminated.

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Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Rental Premises Street Address: [STREET ADDRESS] City: [CITY] State: Utah

You are behind in payments required by your rental agreement. You must either pay everything you owe or move out within three business days. Business days do not include weekend days and legal holidays. Start counting the business days beginning with the business day after you receive this notice. Move out means leave the property, take all your belongings, and leave any keys or access cards.

You owe rent for these periods: [RENTAL PERIODS][TOTAL RENT OWING]

You owe the following charges: [OTHER CHARGES][TOTAL OF OTHER AMOUNT]

Total amount owed: [COMBINED RENT + OTHER CHARGES]

If you do not pay the total amount due or move out within three business days, the court may decide that:

  • you are in “unlawful detainer” of the property, and
  • you should be evicted.

If that happens, you would be removed from the property and may be required to pay all amounts due under your rental agreement plus attorney fees, court costs. You could also have to pay three times the amount of rent, late fees, and property damage.

Landlord / Agent Signature: _____________________________ Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]
Printed Name: _____________________________