Hair Salon Consent Form

A hair salon consent form is provided to clients before an appointment to obtain their permission for a haircut, coloring, or other salon service. Clients who sign this form confirm that they understand the potential risks, agree to follow the stylist’s at-home care instructions, and release the salon and its staff from liability should they experience adverse reactions.

Hair Salon Consent Form

A hair salon consent form is provided to clients before an appointment to obtain their permission for a haircut, coloring, or other salon service. Clients who sign this form confirm that they understand the potential risks, agree to follow the stylist’s at-home care instructions, and release the salon and its staff from liability should they experience adverse reactions.

Last updated September 12th, 2024

A hair salon consent form is provided to clients before an appointment to obtain their permission for a haircut, coloring, or other salon service. Clients who sign this form confirm that they understand the potential risks, agree to follow the stylist’s at-home care instructions, and release the salon and its staff from liability should they experience adverse reactions.

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Important Information

When filling out the consent form, clients will be asked to supply some background information to notify the stylist of any issues that could pose a risk. The following details must be provided:

  • Past Adverse Experiences: By sharing any issues encountered during past hair treatments, the client helps the stylist choose techniques and products that ensure their safety and comfort.
  • Medications: It’s important to know if the client takes any medications that might affect the condition of their hair or cause reactions to dyes and other chemicals.
  • Allergies: Clients must disclose their allergies to avoid exposure to products that can trigger an allergic reaction.

The consent form also asks if the client permits the salon to take photos of their hair for promotional use. If the salon wishes to establish a more detailed agreement regarding the publication of the client’s photos, they should consider using a photo release form.


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Client Name: [CLIENT’S NAME] Date of Birth: [CLIENT’S BIRTH DATE]

Previous Adverse Reactions to Hair Treatments: [DESCRIBE PREVIOUS REACTIONS].

Do you take any medications or suffer from allergies that may affect your tolerance for chemical treatments? Yes No
If yes, list relevant medications and allergies: [LIST MEDICATIONS AND ALLERGIES].

Do you allow the salon to take photos of your hair for promotional use? Yes No


I hereby consent and authorize the stylist to perform the following service(s): [DESCRIBE REQUESTED HAIR SERVICES].

I understand that while the salon and its staff aim to deliver the highest quality service, there are potential risks involved with hair services. These risks include, but are not limited to:

  • Hair damage from chemicals, heat, or styling tools.
  • Allergic reactions to the chemicals and other products used during service.
  • Unexpected changes in hair texture or color.
  • Temporary or permanent hair loss or scalp irritation.

I understand that the salon cannot guarantee specific results and that the outcome of my hair services may differ depending on my hair type, condition, past treatments, and at-home maintenance. I also understand that proper at-home care may be necessary, and it is my responsibility to follow the stylist’s instructions.

By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understood the information provided, had all my questions answered to my satisfaction, and accept the potential risks. My signature also signifies my consent and agreement to release the salon, its owners, employees, agents, and assigns from any liability or claims related to the hair services provided.

Client Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________
Printed Name: _____________________________