Connecticut Deed Forms

Connecticut Deed Forms

Last updated March 4th, 2024

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A Connecticut deed allows for the transfer of a property’s title between a grantor and a grantee. The document will feature the names of both parties, the consideration provided to the grantor (if any), and a description of the property that’s changing ownership. Generally, the parties will execute a warranty deed, which guarantees that the seller is the rightful owner of the property and that there are no title defects that may affect the buyer in the future.

Under certain circumstances, the parties may agree to use a quit claim deed which provides no protection and a more straightforward transfer process. The buyer and seller should carefully choose the deed that best suits their circumstances and ensure they are comfortable with the level of protection the deed provides.


Types (3)

General Warranty Deed – Guarantees that the property being sold is free of any liens and encumbrances and that the grantor holds clear title.

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Quit Claim Deed – Often used in transactions between family members, this deed transfers the title of a property with no guarantee against title issues or that the grantor is the legal owner.

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Special Warranty Deed – Performs essentially the same function as the general warranty deed; however, it only guarantees the quality of the property’s title from the current owner.

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