North Dakota Warranty Deed Form

North Dakota warranty deed is a legal document that transfers property with a general warranty of title issued by the seller/owner. The warranty assures that the title has no unresolved liens, judgments, or other encumbrances and that the seller (grantor) is the lawful owner of the property.

North Dakota Warranty Deed Form

North Dakota warranty deed is a legal document that transfers property with a general warranty of title issued by the seller/owner. The warranty assures that the title has no unresolved liens, judgments, or other encumbrances and that the seller (grantor) is the lawful owner of the property.

Last updated March 16th, 2025

North Dakota warranty deed is a legal document that transfers property with a general warranty of title issued by the seller/owner. The warranty assures that the title has no unresolved liens, judgments, or other encumbrances and that the seller (grantor) is the lawful owner of the property.

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How to Format

  • The first page of the deed must have a top margin of at least 3 “. Every other side of the first and all other pages should have a 1″ margin.
  • The typeset must be equal to or larger than 10pt. Calibri.
  • The paper must not be any bigger than 8.5″ x 14″.[1]


The grantor and a notary public’s signatures are required to execute the document.[2]


The deed will be recorded at the County Recorder’s Office in the county where the property is located.[3] As of this writing, the recording fee is $20 (up to 6 pages), $ 65 (7-25 pages), then $3 per supplemental page after the 25th.[4]

Warranty Deed (Preview)