Connecticut Employment Contract Templates

Connecticut Employment Contract Templates

Last updated January 4th, 2024

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A Connecticut employment contract is an agreement between an employer and new employee that specifies the employee’s rights and responsibilities. The completed form will include a description of the employee’s duties, the details of their wage or salary, and whether they are employed part-time or full-time. Also disclosed in the document are the company policies regarding vacation time, personal leave days, work benefits, employee confidentiality, and the maximum number of permitted absences before termination.

Executing an employment contract ensures the rights of both parties are protected. A violation of the agreement’s provisions may result in termination of the employee, or legal action from the affected party.


Types (2)

Independent Contractor Agreement – Used to define the terms of a business relationship between a self-employed person and their client.

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Subcontractor Agreement – Used to delegate to a subcontractor a task that is part of a general contractor’s work assignment.

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