Volunteer Offer Letter

volunteer offer letter is a document used to offer a candidate a volunteer role within an organization. This letter contains an overview of the volunteer opportunity, such as the position, the expected duties, and the anticipated time commitment. A volunteer offer letter is a useful tool for setting expectations and formalizing the organization’s connection with the candidate.

Volunteer Offer Letter

volunteer offer letter is a document used to offer a candidate a volunteer role within an organization. This letter contains an overview of the volunteer opportunity, such as the position, the expected duties, and the anticipated time commitment. A volunteer offer letter is a useful tool for setting expectations and formalizing the organization’s connection with the candidate.

Last updated December 1st, 2023

volunteer offer letter is a document used to offer a candidate a volunteer role within an organization. This letter contains an overview of the volunteer opportunity, such as the position, the expected duties, and the anticipated time commitment. A volunteer offer letter is a useful tool for setting expectations and formalizing the organization’s connection with the candidate.

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Date: [DATE]



On behalf of [ORGANIZATION NAME], we are pleased to offer you the [VOLUNTEER POSITION TITLE] volunteer position.

You have offered [ORGANIZATION NAME] an approximate time commitment of [DESCRIBE TIME COMMITMENT]. If you choose to accept, your position will begin on [DATE], and end on [DATE]. These may be subject to change to suit your other commitments.

The duties and responsibilities of your volunteer assignment include [DESCRIBE VOLUNTEER DUTIES].

This volunteer assignment is unpaid and would be for the above-mentioned fixed term. [ORGANIZATION NAME] may terminate the volunteer assignment upon giving notice. There is no requirement for you to give any notice if you wish to stop volunteering but, because we rely on voluntary assistance, any notice you could provide would be appreciated.

Please acknowledge your acceptance of this offer by signing and returning a copy of this letter by [DATE], and we will be in touch with additional information. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


________________________, [SENDER NAME AND TITLE]


Signature: _________________________



Thank you for the opportunity. I formally accept the volunteer position offered in this letter.

Signature: _________________________


Offer Letter vs Appointment Letter

While often used interchangeably, a volunteer offer letter and a volunteer appointment letter have some key differences.

  • Volunteer offer letter. Extends an invitation to a candidate selected for a volunteer position. It is generally brief and contains basic information regarding the position.
  • Volunteer appointment letter. This is drafted after the individual accepts the volunteer offer. This document contains specific details about the volunteer duties and the organization’s policies.

What to Include

When drafting a volunteer offer letter, some key components should be included:

  • Introduction. A greeting, the organization’s name, and an extension to be a part of the organization on a volunteer basis are generally included in the first sentence.
  • Expected hours. The letter will typically state the time commitment expected of the candidate.
  • Volunteer term. When the volunteer begins their duties, the time of their commitment should be addressed in the letter.
  • Position details. A brief description of the expected duties and responsibilities the volunteer will take on during their term should be provided.
  • Volunteer status. The letter should include a statement clarifying that the individual will offer their time and services without monetary compensation.
  • Closing statement. A sentence welcoming the volunteer to the team, along with the title and signature of the writer, should be included. Many letters will also request that the volunteer sign and return the letter to the organization to confirm their acceptance of the offer.