Iowa Deed Forms

Iowa Deed Forms

Last updated March 4th, 2025

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An Iowa deed is a document that records the transfer of a property’s title from one party (the “grantor”) to another (the “grantee”), and that acts as evidence of the grantee’s ownership. The completed form will include both parties’ information, the purchase price (if applicable), and a description of the property. Deeds are usually used to legally convey property in conjunction with a purchase agreement. However, Iowa law also allows for “deeds of trust” that are used to secure a home loan by placing the property title in the care of a trustee until the lender has been repaid.

The deed must be acknowledged by a notary public before being filed at the recording office for the county in which the property is located. In addition to the deed, the Groundwater Hazard Statement and Declaration of Value must be completed and filed with the county recorder. The Declaration of Value might not need to be submitted if the transfer is legally exempt.


Types (4)

Deed of Trust – Puts a property title under the care of a trustee as security on a lender’s expense to a borrower.

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General Warranty Deed – Guarantees the quality of the property’s title, meaning that it is free of any claims.

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Quit Claim Deed – A deed that provides no warranty to the grantee regarding the property’s title.

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Special Warranty Deed – Unlike a general warranty deed, this deed type only warrants that there are no claims on the property relating to its current owner.

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