North Dakota Quitclaim Deed Form

North Dakota quitclaim deed allows for a quick transfer of a property title between two parties without assurances that the grantor is a titleholder and that the title is clean. The grantee will assume responsibility for any claims against the property title that may arise. A quitclaim deed is commonly used to clear up title issues and transfer property between family members.

North Dakota Quitclaim Deed Form

North Dakota quitclaim deed allows for a quick transfer of a property title between two parties without assurances that the grantor is a titleholder and that the title is clean. The grantee will assume responsibility for any claims against the property title that may arise. A quitclaim deed is commonly used to clear up title issues and transfer property between family members.

Last updated February 13th, 2025

North Dakota quitclaim deed allows for a quick transfer of a property title between two parties without assurances that the grantor is a titleholder and that the title is clean. The grantee will assume responsibility for any claims against the property title that may arise. A quitclaim deed is commonly used to clear up title issues and transfer property between family members.

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Recording Details

  • Signing Requirements – The grantor’s signature must be notarized.[1]
  • Where to RecordCounty Recorder’s Office[2]
  • Recording Fees – $20 for deeds up to 6 pages, $65 for deeds of 7-25 pages, then $3 per additional page after the 25th page.
    • If a deed specifies more than 10 portions of land, each additional section requires an extra $1 charge.[3]

Formatting Requirements

Quit claim deeds should be formatted with the following physical specifications[4]:
  • Margins: At least 3″ on the top of the first page, 1″ on every other side.
  • Paper: No larger than 8.5″ x 14″.
  • Font: At least as big as 10 point Calibri.

Quitclaim Deed (Preview)