Alaska 10-Day Notice to Quit | Non-Compliance (Form CIV-727)

Alaska 10-Day Notice to Quit | Non-Compliance (Form CIV-727)

Last updated January 29th, 2022

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The Alaska 10-day notice to quit for a tenant’s non-compliance with the lease is a form landlords deliver (either in-person or through the mail) to tenants that have broken one (1) or more conditions of their rental agreement. In order to comply with Alaska’s eviction laws, the landlord is required to specify the type of lease violation perpetrated by the tenant. If the tenant resolves the problem within ten (10) days, the lease will not terminate. Landlords should remind their tenants that if they breach the lease a second time within six (6) months of the first breach, the landlord can terminate the lease and issue a five (5) day notice to quit.

Laws AS 34.03.220(a)(2)